
Join the Zalemart community

Have a look at our Affiliate program which will give you cash rewards for bringing us new customers for our jeans 👖 You share our jeans, and you get paid in cash when customers buy with your discount code 😌 SOUTH AFRICA ONLY Also, all affiliates get a discount on their first order depending on the number of IG or Facebook page followers : 0-9999 followers : 15% off 10 000-19 999 : 20% off 20 000-29 999 : 25% off 30 000-39 999 : 50% off 40 000-49 999 : 100% off 50 000+ : 100% off plus free shipping If you'd like to go ahead, please sign up through the link above and then send us your shipping address, shipping cell number, shipping email address and jean size to receive your jeans 😌 Kind Regards Kia Zalemart

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Partnership opportunities

  • Affiliate marketing
  • Gifting
  • Discount codes
  • Additional opportunities
  • Content creation
  • Campaigns